10 Ways to Learn About Colleges Online

10 Ways to Learn About Colleges Online

1. Take a virtual tour
In addition to basic information—like the size of the campus andthe student body—many college websites offer virtual campus tours. Get a closerlook at different parts of the campus using interactive maps and other tools.
2.Learn about everyday life
A college's website, Facebook page and Twitter feed can tell youall about campus living. Look for information on campus clubs andorganizations, cultural events, student government, sports, and more.
3.Browse the course catalog
Basic course information is often available in an onlinecatalog. You can read short descriptions of all the current classes, learnabout frequently offered elective classes and find out the requirements foreach major.
4.Visit an academic department
Check out a posted syllabus to learn about the subjects a courseexplores and to estimate a class's workload. Read about professors' interestsand expectations to find out what sorts of teachers you'll learn from. If youfind a particular professor's research interesting, consider sending him or heran email.
5.Investigate support services
On a college's website, you can learn about the services itprovides to help its students succeed. Academic support can include tutoring,writing assistance and study-skills courses. Other support includes things likehelp with the financial aid process, counseling and career-planning services.
6.Look into housing options
Find out what sorts of housing options are available for bothfreshmen and upperclassmen. You may be able to see images of dorm rooms, grouphouses, on-campus apartments and more.
7.Visit the library
Curious about how large a college's book collection is? Browsethe online library catalog, find out which databases the college uses and learnhow the library informs new students about its services.
8.Explore dining options
College campuses offer all sorts of dining choices, such asrestaurants, cafés, dining halls and more. Many college websites feature menusso you can see what sorts of food a college serves.
9.Read the newspaper
A college's newspaper can reveal campus issues and introduce youto a college's activities. What types of stories do current students report on?What local events get coverage? College papers can also give you a feel for thelevel of student thinking and writing on campus.
10.Contact alumni and current students
If you want to talk to someone who really knows a college, useonline resources to look up the contact information for alumni and currentstudents. You can send emails requesting an interview or feedback. Somecolleges even have live chat rooms in which prospective students can minglewith current students.
Use College Search tolook up a college and follow the link to its website. You can often find linksto a college's official Facebook page and Twitter feed on its home page. If youcan't find the information you're looking for, use the site map to point you inthe right direction.